Rapor ve formlarda kullanılan fonksiyonlar ve açıklamaları şunlardır:

1.MIN(number, number): Returns the smallest number in the parenthesis.

MIN(5, 6) = 5

2.MAX(number, number): Returns the largest number in the parenthesis.

MAX(5, 6) = 6

3-MOD(number, divisor): Divides the specified number by the divisor, and returns the remainder.

MOD(35, 6) = 5

MOD(42, 7) = 0

4-DIV(number, divisor): Divides the first number by the second, and returns the result.

DIV(35,6) = 5

DIV(42, 7) = 6

5-ABS(number): Takes the absolute value of a number.

ABS(7) = 7

ABS(‐7) = 7

6-VAL(text): Converts the string within the parenthesis into a numeric value.

VAL(“1000”) = 1000

7-DATE(day, month, year): Converts date format according to day, month and year info.

DATE(31, 12, 2000) = 31.12.2000

8-AFTER(days, date): Returns the date after the specified number of days.

AFTER(10, DATE(10,02,2001)) = 20.02.2001

AFTER(10, [Current Date]) = 15.02.2001 (If Current date is 05.02.2001)

9-DAYS(firstdate, lastdate): Returns the number of days between two dates.

DAYS(DATE(13,10,2000), DATE(21,10,2000)) = 8

10-DAYOF(date): Returns the day of the date.

DAYOF(DATE(10,12,2000)) = 10

11-MONTHOF(date): Returns the month of the date.

MONTHOF(DATE(10,12,2000)) = 12

12-YEAROF(date): Returns the year of the date.

YEAROF (DATE(10,12,2000)) = 2000

13-WDAYOF(date): Returns the day of the month on which the specified date falls on.

WDAYOF (DATE(30,03,2001)) = 5

14-ROUND(number): Rounds the specified number to the nearest integer.

ROUND(5.25) = 5

ROUND(5.61) = 6

15-TRUNC(number): Removes decimals of a number and rounds the number to an integer.

TRUNC(5.25) = 5

TRUNC(26.85) = 26

16-ERATE(date, currency): Brings the f. currency exchange rate for a specific date.


Brings EURO exchange rate entered on May 5, 2002. (Bring the exchange rate of the relevant currency type that is selected for automatic use in F. Currency Usage Parameters.)

17-CREATE(date, base curr., base rate, dest curr): Returns the exchange rate equivalent of an amount (in f. currency) in another currency.

CREATE(DATE(05,05,2002),1,1500,20) = 1.453,25

Let's assume that USD exchange rate is 1.600.000 TRY and EURO exchange rate is 1.550.000 TRY on May 5, 2002. In order to calculate the equivalent of 1500 EURO in USD on this date, CREATE function is used as shown above, and the functions returns 1.453,25 value as a result. (Mathematical Formula: 1.500*1.550.000/1.600.000)

18-STRPOS(search string, string): Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string.


19-FLOOR(number): Rounds the specified number to the nearest and smallest integer.

FLOOR(2,8) = 2

FLOOR(‐2,8) = ‐3

20-CEIL(number): Rounds the decimal portion of a number to 1, and converts to an integer.

CEIL(15.25) = 16

CEIL(15.75) = 16

21-FRAC(number): Omits the integer portion of a number, and then rounds the decimal portion to

the nearest value between 0 and +/‐1.

FRAC(3,15) = 0

FRAC(‐3,15) = 0

FRAC(3,75) = 1

FRAC(‐3,75) = ‐1

22-EXP(number): It is the opposite of natural logarithm(ln) function. This function calculates the base value (e) of the natural logarithm function raised to the power of X value, and returns after rounding to the nearest integer. EXP(1) = 3 (approximate value of "e")

EXP(2) = 7

23-LN(number): Natural logarithm function. Converts the result of the logarithm function to the

nearest integer according to base “e”.

LN(2) = 1

EXP (LN (5)) = 5

24-POWER(base, exponent): Shows the specified power of a number.

POWER(9,2) = 81 (92)

POWER(2,3) = 8 (23)

25-SQR(number): Shows the square (multiplication by itself) of a number.

SQR(2) = 4

SQR(7) = 49

26-SQRT(number): Shows the square root of a number.

SQRT(81) = 9

SQRT(225) = 15

27-COS(number): Indicates the cosine of a number (an angle given as radiant).

COS(0) = 1

28-SIN(number): Indicates the sine of a number (an angle given as radiant).

29-TAN(number): Indicates the tangent of a number (an angle given as radiant).

30-STRLEN(text): Displays the number of characters of the selected text. The field type is


STRLEN(“abcdefg”) = 7

STRLEN(“999”) = 3

31-WEEKNUM(year start, first week, date): Returns information on the week of year which the specified date falls on. First week parameter works as in MS Outlook.

  • The first week of year begins on January 1st.
  • The first 4‐day week is the first week of year. (If January 1st falls on Friday, the first week of year begins on 4th of January.
  • The first full week is the first week of year.

WEEKNUM (DATE(01,01,2002),1, Delivery Date)

32-STR(text): Writes a numeric field in text format.

STR(1234) = 1234

33-DATESTR(date, format): Converts the specified date into text and writes in the required format.

DATESTR(DATE(23,12,2001),1) = 12.23.2001

DATESTR(DATE(23,12,2001),2) = 23.12.2001

34-MONTHSTR(month): Writes the month corresponding to the number given.

MONTHSTR(2) = February

MONTHSTR(12) = December

35-WDAYSTR(weekday): Writes the week day corresponding to the number given.

WDAYSTR(3) = Wednesday

WDAYSTR(5) = Friday

36-NUMSTR(number, decimals, format): Converts the specified number into text, and writes in the required format.

NUMSTR(1234,3,1) = 1234

NUMSTR(1234,3,6) = 1234,000 %

NUMSTR(1234,2,7) = 1.234,00

NUMSTR(‐1234,1,1) = 1.234,0 (A)

37-TIMESTR(time, format): Converts the specified hour into text and writes in the required format.

38-RESXSTR(list source, tag): Brings the relevant string numbered with the specified resource and tag numbers in files with LRF extension under Resource folder. RESXSTR(25550,1) = Stock Code

RESXSTR(25550,2) = Stock Description

39-RESSTR(string resource): Brings texts within the files with LRF extension under Resource folder.

RESSTR(29057) = No record is found.

40-CRESSTR(list id., tag)

41-SUBSTR(text, start, length): Used to write the selected text in a definite length by starting from a definite character.

SUBSTR(“abcdef”,2,3) = bcd

SUBSTR(“abcdef”,1,4) = abcd

42-UPCASE(text): Writes the text in capital letters


43-LOWCASE(text): Writes the text in lowercase.

LOWCASE(“Text”) = text

44-TRIMSPC(text, option): Removes spaces from the beginning and/or the end of the selected text.




45-JUSTIFY(text, direction, fill, length): Writes the specified text in the required length. Fills spaces in the text with the

required character.

JUSTIFY(STR(4),1,“0”,3) = 004


46-WRNUM(language, number, part): Converts the integer or decimal portion of a number into text format in the specified language. Numbers corresponding to the languages are defined in Goldset.sys, ERPset.sys files.

(1=Turkish, 2=English, 4=German...) In order to write the integer portion in the required language, part is specified as 1. In order to write the decimal portion, part is specified as 2.

WRNUM(1,100,1) = Yuz

WRNUM(2,1000,1) = OneThousand

WRNUM(1,100.05,2) = Bes

WRNUM(4,100.05,1) = Ein(s)Hundert

47-IF(expression, value1, value2): Returns the first value (value1) if the specified condition (expression) is fulfilled. Returns the second value (value2) if it is not. The field type is numeric.

IF(2*2=4, “Two and two is four”, 1500) = Two and two is four IF(2*2=100, “Two and two is four”, 1500) = 1500